Informative Content For Orthodontists – The How’s and Whys

informative content for orthodontists

As adult orthodontics is on the rise, the need to write informative content for orthodontists (and more so, their patients) has increased. With this in mind, what exactly do you write about?

While the history of braces might be something of interest to other orthodontists, it’s doubtful whether a potential patient looking for orthodontic treatment will feel the same way.

Instead, you might want to take on board the following points.:

Informative Content For Orthodontists And Their Patients – Points To Consider

Put yourself in the reader’s shoes

The first rule of writing great orthodontic content is to put yourself in the patient’s shoes. Here’s the golden rule…

Consider what they really want to know rather than what you think they should hear.

So what do readers actually want to know?

How about answers to questions such as…

  • What do braces actually do?
  • How do they work?
  • What are the different types available?
  • How long the process will be?
  • Do they hurt? And so on and so forth…

If you can get into the mindset of a potential patient and give them exactly what they want, then you’re off to a good start.

Another point to remember is that those searching for orthodontic treatments aren’t trained dentists. Therefore they may not understand much of the technical jargon that you and your other compatriots take for granted. Instead, avoid it and write it in plain easy-to-understand English.

Listen to your existing patients

Writing informative content for orthodontic patients is all about creating posts that help to put people at ease.

There are hundreds of dentists offering orthodontic treatments, so it’s up to you to convince the reader that they should come to your dental practice rather than go somewhere else.  A great way to do this is to listen closely to your existing patients.

So what do I mean by this?

As an example, let’s say you’ve recently had a number of enquiries asking about the benefits of removable aligner-style braces over traditional fixed braces.

If a handful of people have asked this very question, you can put your mortgage on the fact that there will also be others wanting to know the exact same thing. This being the case, why not compile or commission an article, report, or guide based around this very question? Simple!

Be honest and empathise    

Great orthodontic content tends to put the patient at ease. Lots of people are anxious about orthodontic treatment so you’ll want to show some empathy but also, how about being honest?

It’s okay to tell them that initially braces might be uncomfortable to wear. They might also affect speech at the beginning, and will almost certainly take time to get used to. However you will also want to quickly follow that up with the long-term benefits. Namely straighter, healthier, teeth that they can be proud of.

Finally, you might also want to mention that modern-day braces are far removed from braces of old. If patients are worried about being seen wearing a mouth full of metal, there are a wide variety of clear or invisible braces on the market that are incredibly discreet.

The bottom line is that honest, informative content for orthodontists should ultimately tell patients that…

(A) You know exactly what you’re doing and…

(B)  They can trust you to provide them with the very best care.

Do that and you’re definitely on to a winner!

This is all well and good, but how does all of this actually drive business?

By creating informative content for orthodontists, aside from presenting you as a knowledgeable, trustworthy, and helpful dentist, you can also link key phrases in your blog to key services you offer.

For example, you could link a blog post you’ve written called ‘Costs for orthodontic treatments‘ back to your services and fees page.

Alternatively, how about writing an article on the ‘Benefits of Invisalign‘ and linking them back to your Invisalign treatment page.

Finally, a series of well-written blogs aimed at orthodontic patients will also increase your chances of being found in search engines.


Because relevant links and great content play a big part in how web pages are ranked. Also, the more informative content you produce, the more chances you have of being found online.

Creating Informative Content For Orthodontists – The Lowdown

The good news is that when it comes to writing informative content for orthodontists, it isn’t as hard as you think.

So what are you waiting for? Put your thinking cap on, get into the mind of a potential patient, and embrace the power of written content today!

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Picture of Dale King
Dale King

Dale has been writing in the dental industry for over 10 years and keeps up to date with the latest technologies and treatments

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