Dental Website Content- What makes It Great And Why You Should Take The Time To Create It

take time to write dental website content

Ultimately, content in some form or another is what every user is searching for online. Whether it’s articles, videos, or blogs, it’s all content.

So, it stands to reason then that if you’ve got better online dental website content than your fellow competitors have, you’ll get the bigger slice of the pie.

Think about it, once a prospective patient has arrived at your website, the first thing they want to know is, “Is this dentist for me?” Obviously, your aim is to make sure the answer is a clear and resounding YES. Sounds easy, but how?

The answer… wowing your audience with great content about you, your practice, and your patient care.

In fact, the success of your online marketing is primarily determined by your dental website content. It’s what drives new clients to your online practice and creates a desire for your healthcare services over anyone else’s.

Let’s face it, a long page full of hard-to-read text is not going to captivate anyone’s interest. To back that statement up, a survey revealed that 55% of visitors only read your online text for 15 seconds or less – if you’re still reading this, thanks!

So does that mean you should give up now?

Of course not! Instead, you need to work even harder to keep your readers engaged and interested.

All of that begs the question of what actually does make great dental website content.

Stick with me and find out…

Provide accurate and satisfying answers

If we think about what makes for good dental website content today, it’s important to take the leading search engines into account, namely Google.


Well, it’s their unenviable job to answer the billions of daily search queries from users by returning content that is most relevant to their needs. So when it comes to dental-related topics, you’ll want your website to help them do this.

Search engines will do everything possible to find websites that are addressing their users’ queries precisely. Put simply, great dental website content, in Google’s eyes, comes down to providing relevant informative content that contains accurate and timely answers.

Let me explain…..

If you think about it, when your content is helpful and satisfying to readers, they’re ten times more likely to share it, link it, and comment about it on other online platforms. Remember…the more time that patients spend on your website or make reference to your website, then the higher your search rankings will be on Google. Which, after all, is the end goal, right?

That’s not all, though…

As you develop an online presence, you’ll find it’s important to watch what patients are actually searching for when they find you.


Because you can incorporate even more content with those exact same key search phrases to seek out even more people. Here’s an example:

Let’s just say that someone is looking to find a specialist dentist in the Manchester area and puts a search query into Google entitled “dental implant dentist in Manchester” … When they do, the good news is that Google is returning your article, page, or blog above everyone else’s.


Because it’s well written, informative, and totally relevant to their needs ….

It would make sense, therefore, to dominate that key phrase by writing other relevant blogs, articles and/or extensive guides utilising those exact same popular keywords. An example of this could be…

  • A patient-friendly guide on “Everything you need to know about dental implants in Manchester but were afraid to ask”
  • A detailed article on “How dental implants in Manchester can change your life”, or a simple blog post on….
  • Dental implants in Manchester – How to find the best implant dentist”

Suddenly when a reader types in that particular key phrase, instead of returning one match, you might (with some serious work) be able to take the first four or five positions. This is how you can dominate your market using informative, well-written content!

A word of warning….. Remember not to stuff keywords everywhere and anywhere as it will appear as spammy, and besides, it just won’t read well. The idea is to get your visitors to read your content and take action. If it’s crammed full of keywords, that just isn’t going to happen, so use them liberally. As a rule of thumb, use keywords once every 100 words or so.

Okay, so it sounds as though I’m saying that everything depends on search engines and how they view your content. Well, although Google definitely plays a large factor, there are some other ingredients you need to throw into the mix as well if you want to write great dental website content.

First and foremost, you need to hold your actual readers once you’ve got them to your site. So the question is…. what else can you do to improve your content?

Define your practice

Be honest with yourself. When you read through your website, ask yourself this question, “Is your content really as compelling and persuasive as it could be?”

The only way to gain prospective new patients is by showing them why you and your staff are better than any other dental practice around. You see when your website content clearly defines your practice, you’re giving it a voice, so to speak. This means it can shout about your services, your unique approach to patient health care, and your friendly staff.

In other words, it moves your practice up another level while also positioning you as the ‘go-to‘ dentist in your area.

Pretty cool stuff, right?

So introduce your personality, your goals, and what you stand for as a dentist. Alongside that, use an ongoing blog to introduce your staff, post photos and fun facts, using well-written, informative text.

Top tip….Don’t forget another bonus of a maintained blog is that it’s also great for SEO building because it provides your website with regular and fresh content, which Google loves!

Are you starting to see how everything fits together when it comes to great content?


Finally, there’s a saying in the dental writing world that goes something like this:

If you can write content with your specific readers in mind, the rest will follow

What that means is that when you write dental website content, it should never be for you. Instead, it needs to be aimed directly at your potential patients.

It may, for example, be natural to describe your services in an in-depth, technical manner but trust me, when text is difficult to read, people shut off and lose interest fast. After all, you may know what osseointegration is, but do your readers?

When you consider each reader to be a potential new patient, then losing them is something you can’t afford to happen. So always create your content with your readers in mind. Keep it informative and engaging, sure, but avoid the technical jargon!

Let’s not forget one of the easiest ways to ensure a great standard of dental website content is by using a skilled dental copywriter. The Dental Writers team are highly experienced in producing great content for dentists and has written thousands of articles between us. If you would like any further information about our services, visit or contact Dale on +34 605 45 73 42.

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Picture of Dale King
Dale King

Dale has been writing in the dental industry for over 10 years and keeps up to date with the latest technologies and treatments

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