3 Misconceptions About Dental Content Marketing You Really Need To Know


If your dental business has an online presence, you’ll probably have engaged in some form of dental content marketing. In fact, it’s a key part of any practice’s online marketing strategy. Yet, the whole concept of content marketing is often misunderstood.

In the beginning, companies usually start with good intent by creating and adding content regularly (normally in the form of blogs). But then, over time, the activity tails off or ceases altogether.

It could be because dental businesses feel they have more important things to do than write about the ‘5 best types of toothpaste for whiter teeth’, but in truth, calling time on your dental content marketing could be doing you more harm than good.

To explain further, we need to talk about three common misconceptions people make about content marketing and why it matters. So let’s dive in and take a closer look.

Myth #1 – Content marketing doesn’t work

see immediate results, they switch to other tactics like pay-per-click advertising or social media marketing. Quickly, they receive an influx of patient leads and it’s then, they conclude that dental content marketing doesn’t work and there are better options out there.

In truth, this is a misconception, and here’s why…

Consider social advertising as a ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ concept. In other words, When you place an advert on platforms like Facebook, you should see some sort of uptake in a short space of time, provided the advert is appealing and targeted to the right audience.

However, as quickly as it produces results, you can also expect leads to tail off rapidly once readers start to suffer from ad fatigue – or rather, overexposure to the same ad.

On the contrary, with content like dental blogs, don’t expect to see any leads stemming from those blogs for at least six months.

Why? Because this is the average time a blog post takes to garner a positive ROI.

The difference here is that blogs will continue producing results month after month, year after year, from the same piece of content, meaning it’s a long-term, sustainable strategy. That’s why it’s important to build up a catalogue of posts and add them regularly.

If you want to know how often you should post, I’ve written a blog on this very subject.

Myth #2 - Dental content marketing is not worth the initial investment

There’s a common misconception that content marketing is cost-prohibitive. Or rather, the return on investment can be underwhelming. Sure, there may be some upfront costs, and the lag time between creation and results is considerably longer; but when you look at the bigger picture, dental content marketing is predominantly cost-effective when done right.

Here’s why…

Adding content to your site creates substantially more indexed pages. So the more frequently a dental practice blogs, the more ‘findable’ the clinic will be. Did you know, for example, that companies who regularly blog generate 67% more leads on average?  

Moreover, every time you publish quality posts, you’re providing content worth linking to. This, in turn, signals value to the search engines and gets you a higher ranking.

To put this into perspective, according to AHREFS, over 90% of search results get next to no search engine traffic, but those on the first page can expect to see around 84%, with the top result garnering 49% of all search leads.  

If those aren’t compelling figures, consider this…

The average quarterly spend on content marketing for small to medium businesses like dental practices is $5000. That equates to just $1666 per month. 

Naturally, it’s up to you whether you feel that this fee is worth investing but the figures kind of speak for themselves.

Myth #3 - It’s social ads (not content) that drive sales

social ads are better for dental content marketing

It’s easy to comprehend just how ads drive sales but the link between educational dental content and patient leads is arguably more tenuous.

As a result, people assume that writing an informative post on, say, ‘oral care for toddlers’ is unlikely to drive patient footfall, and it’s true that blogs aren’t the place for a sales pitch. However, it’s all about the bigger picture.

Let me explain…

In dentistry, trust is everything. After all, someone seeking out a new dentist for the first time is unlikely to book an appointment with someone they don’t feel a connection with.

So, when businesses undertake dental content marketing in the form of educational information for free, it positions them as an authority, but also, as someone readers should trust.

In fact, according to one study, educational content makes consumers 131% more likely to buy a product, call for information, make a booking or take action.

So why is this?

Quality content aims to build a connection with the reader. As you produce more and more educational content, the reader knows that you have their best interests at heart and you care about their oral health. This, in turn, garners trust. So, when the consumer eventually needs a dentist, you’re the first one they’re going to call.

Essentially, informative dental content may not be as sales-driven as ads in the short term. However, surveys suggest that it does become a key driver in getting new patients through the door in the long term.

So there you have it, 3 common misconceptions of dental content marketing and why it pays not to listen to the hype.

Instead, make great content part of your dental marketing strategy by contacting Dental Writers today. We excel in planning and creating original blogs, treatment guides and service pages that build trust and position you as an authority in your field.

To learn more about how we can tailor content to your specific needs, drop us a line and get in touch.   





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Picture of Dale King
Dale King

Dale has been writing in the dental industry for over 10 years and keeps up to date with the latest technologies and treatments

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