Dental Content Promotion – In less than 1 hour A Day

promoting your business

So you want to know about dental content promotion?

The secret to a successful content marketing strategy really comes down to two main steps. The first is creating great content, which of course, plays an obviously important role.

But what’s the second? Well, it’s dental content promotion – and unfortunately, this step is often overlooked.

Now you might be thinking that while content marketing seems a very profitable strategy, it’s just too time-consuming. Even if you have an excellent post written for you by a dental content writer, you’ve then got to spend time promoting it as well to get the results you want.

But what if I told you that it needn’t take up lots of your valuable time and, in fact, you could promote dental content in less than 1 hour? So without further ado, let’s dive straight in and find out how to do just that.

Here are some super quick, easy ways that you can use to promote dental content:

1. Email (5 minutes)

One of the simplest ways to direct immediate attention to your new content is by using your email list. Think about it, your email subscription list will likely be made up of patients who have enjoyed reading your content previously and signed up for more… If that’s the case, then these are the patients who are most likely to read your post pretty quickly after it’s published, share it on social media, and forward it to others they know who may also benefit from reading it.

In essence, your email subscribers are the most engaged of all your audience, so it makes sense that sharing content with them on a regular basis is a great place to start when it comes to dental content promotion.

Ok, great, but how do I do that? Well, there are various ways to notify your subscribers by email.

You might prefer to send an email introducing the topic of your new content and then add a few links throughout that direct patients to your most recent blog post.


You might choose to send the full post to your subscribers so that they don’t even have to visit your blog or website at all if they decide not to.

Maybe you’d rather…

Send a ‘newsletter’ to promote your dental content, be it weekly or monthly, that includes a section on your new content and links to the new blogs that have been published during that time.

Once your email list reaches a decent amount, it will work with you to drive a great chunk of readers to your new post pretty much straight away.

2. Scheduling social media posts (5-10 minutes)

The need to share your great content across social media platforms is a no-brainer if you want to gain new followers and engage your existing audience. Nonetheless, I’m sure you’ll agree that it takes time and effort to do so. This is where using a social media editorial calendar comes in handy. It allows you to plan ahead and save a heap of time when it comes to sharing content on your chosen platform.

When you first publish a new post, one of the most effective methods to gain more views is to spread your dental content promotion over a period of time.

Using a social media tool such as Buffer allows you to speedily and easily schedule your posts ahead of time to be promoted on a set day, then again the next day, and maybe a week later. For top results, use this on all your social media profiles.

3.Use images to share your posts on social media (10-15 minutes)

It’s safe to say we all know how much more attention an image grabs when compared to plain written text. So it comes as no surprise then that photos on social media platforms, such as Facebook, provide 53% more likes than an average post just containing straight text. In fact, nearly half of the users have, at some point, reposted a video or image they found online.

You probably know the power of graphics already and are using images in your blog posts anyway, and that’s great. A quick win then is to use that image to share your latest content by adding your headline and posting it on Twitter and the like.

There’s another bonus…

Doing this can also help you be found on image-focused social platforms (such as Pinterest) even if you don’t have much of a presence there, which means you’re now reaching a greater audience that you otherwise might have missed.

4. Dental Content Promotion – Add internal links (5-10 minutes)

When it comes to content promotion, the majority of tips online focus on how you can promote your content through other people’s blogs and websites. While that’s a great idea in general, I think it’s safe to say that this won’t really work for dentists. After all, would another local dentist really allow you to promote your practice over theirs on their website or blog? It’s highly unlikely.

But what you can do, is promote your blog posts on your own blog.

Now that’s confusing, so let me explain…

When writing or publishing your new content, try to think about how you could promote a previous post at the same time. That way, when your new post is viewed, older ones that are still of great relevance are being promoted too.

To do this effectively, look for other topics you’ve already posted that are similar. For example, if your new post is about ‘Why maintaining good oral health is more important than you might realise’, then within that blog, you could slip in a link to a previous post you wrote, maybe on say, ‘What does a visit to the dental hygienist involve?’ or ‘5 top tips to improve your oral health’… you get the idea.

This way, every link you add is not only keeping patients engaged on your blog with your content but remember this is also really great for your SEO as well, all in one fell swoop.

Try and make these 4 points to promote dental content a habit every time you publish a new post, and you can be sure that your content will get noticed, build your authority, and engage more viewers.

At the end of the day, growing your business is the bottom line objective here, and dental content promotion is a great way to make sure your well-written content leads to growth. Remember, the Dental Writers team can help save you time writing all your dental content needs, so call us today on  +34 605 45 73 42 or visit

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Dale King
Dale King

Dale has been writing in the dental industry for over 10 years and keeps up to date with the latest technologies and treatments

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