How To Write Compelling Content For Your Dental Website – It’s Easier Than You Think!

how to write compelling content

Here’s a question…

How many times have you clicked through to a web page with great anticipation only to find out that it’s

  • poorly written
  • doesn’t answer your search query or
  • just plain bores the pants off you!

The truth is, badly written content will impact your business more than you know.

Therefore understanding how to write content for a website is critical if you want to position your dental practice ahead of your competition.

Look at it this way…

A dental site with quality content is a powerful marketing tool that can repeatedly leverage new business while strengthening your relationship with existing patients.

On the other hand, poor content will reflect badly on your practice and weaken the bond of trust you need to build with your patients – no matter how good your dental services are.

But wait, there’s more…

Search engines are getting much better at sorting out the wheat from the chaff.

To put it simply, poor content is becoming increasingly harder to rank. So why make it difficult for yourself?

A badly written blog post or web page will make it tough, if not impossible, for potential patients to find you online.

Moreover, even when an online visitor stumble across you, dull or poorly written content will get them clicking off quicker than you can say ‘osseointegration‘.

Don’t worry if you feel that your content isn’t up to par because we have the answer.

This post will explain how to write content that will appeal to search engines and readers alike and get more patients through your practice door.

So, if you’re sitting comfortably, let’s begin.

Tip #1 – Grab the reader’s attention – Quickly!

Capturing readers’ interest quickly with your website content will encourage visitors to stay with you. The longer their eyes stay on the page, the more chance you have of  getting your message across.

We now have a shorter attention span thanks to hi-tech gadgets that bombard us with a constant stream of information. It’s true!


A 2015 study by technology giant Microsoft determined that the average attention span had dropped from 12 seconds to eight seconds over five years.

However, academics stated that Microsoft’s test was somewhat skewed and didn’t represent a large enough chunk of the population. So take these results with the huge pinch of salt it was intended.

Nevertheless, even a goldfish can hold a thought for nine seconds!

Now, where were we?

Oh, yes, I remember 🙂

Content that counters the attention span problem tends to hone in on one key element. This may be answering a frequently asked question or focusing on one main idea or problem.

So how do you grab the reader’s attention quickly?

With a compelling title and a great into, of course!

Here’s an example. I’ll put two titles below; tell me which one piques your interest more.

Staff Face The End Of Remote Working This Week

Do Or Die – Is This The End Of Remote Working As We Know It?

While the first title is okay and does what it says on the tin, the second title does three things. It

  • poses a question
  • creates a sense of urgency and
  • is very specific.

The second headline leaves you in no doubt about the way the content should go, and anyone reading it will know what to expect right off the bat.

It’s intriguing, and engaging and entices you to want to read more.

Follow the title with an equally grabbing short intro, and you’re off to a flying start!

How to write compelling content for a website – Tip#2 – Keep visitors engaged

Once you’ve grabbed readers’ attention, you need to hold it. This requires clear, concise content that gets straight to the point in an engaging way.

Here are some top tips:

Keep it stupidly simple – Use simple words and short sentences and paragraphs. Avoid complex language, jargon and buzzwords, which confuse readers. Write in the same way your patients talk. Speak directly to them with words like “you” and “your” or “us” and “we”.

Use the active voice – “The cat sat on the mat” – rather than the passive voice – “The mat was being sat on by the cat”.

Avoid over-repetition of words  – instead, use synonyms (a word with the same meaning as another) to enhance the quality of your content and the reader experience.

Tip #3 Optimise content for readability

It’s okay writing catchy content, but if your reader is still confronted with a great wall of text, then it’s a huge effort wasted. Don’t forget it’s all about the user experience.

In essence, your content needs structure. You can do this by

  • Using catchy subheadings.
  • Incorporating bullet points.
  • Focusing on one idea per paragraph.
  • Make use of white space by keeping sentences and paragraphs short.

Do this, and it will create a better flow. The better the flow, the more chance your reader will make it to the bottom of the page.

That said, creating better flow doesn’t have to be about words. Instead, consider media to help.

Breaking up slabs of text using media will help to keep people on the page. Consider pictures or videos to enhance a particular point.

Hopefully, this has given you all the ammunition you need to understand how to write compelling content for a dental website, but before you fire up your laptop, there’s more you need to know…

How to write content for website readers and search engines

Good website content reflects the expertise and professionalism of your practice – essential to establish your authority and expand your business.

But first, people need to find you online. That’s where search engine optimisation (SEO) comes in.

It’s worth remembering that Google demands that content be written for the reader first.

Fortunately, if you write compelling content for readers, search engines will like it as well.

In fact, Google – the Holy Grail of search engines – insists on content that gives its users valuable information.

But you still need to tell Google what the content is about.  After all, Google may be mighty, but he can’t read as you or I would.

Instead, the search engine relies on keywords or phrases to determine relevancy.

Using Keywords – Top tips

Reasonable use of keywords is still important to enhance your online visibility.

Keep in mind, though, that Google frowns on keyword stuffing:

  • Unnecessary repetition of words or phrases.
  • Adding words out of context with the page topic.
  • Using blocks of the same keyword.

So please don’t overdo it. Instead, write content-rich information that uses keywords sparingly, appropriately and in context.

Good places for keywords are

  • page titles
  • first paragraphs
  • in subtitles or
  • near the end of the page.

So now it’s all coming together; let’s talk about blogs, particularly quality dental blogs.

Benefits of writing compelling blog content for your dental website 

While your procedural pages sell your dental services (ideally without being too pushy), blogging informs and educates the reader on oral health and dental topics.

Quality dental blogs provide a consistent flow of valuable information that keeps people interested in your practice. Blogging also boosts your rankings in search engines.

Each post you create is one more opportunity for your practice to show up in search engines and drive traffic to your site through organic search, which – unlike paid-for online ads – costs you nothing.

Blogging on your website can also help to strengthen your social media presence. You – and others – can share your posts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, maybe introducing yourself to a new audience.

Need a helping hand with writing your dental content?

Without quality website content, you’re limiting the reach of your dental business and your ability to increase brand awareness and your reputation.

Professional content gives busy dental practices a cost-effective way to compete in an aggressive marketplace without the high cost of major advertising campaigns.

This content turns curious site visitors into paying patients. It does this by quickly gaining the reader’s attention and holding it until the desired result – they respond to a persuasive call to action.

As our name suggests, Dental Writers specialise in creating content for dental blogs and procedural pages.

Want to know more about how to write compelling content for a website?  Or about how great content can drive more patients to your practice door?

Get in touch today!

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Picture of Dale King
Dale King

Dale has been writing in the dental industry for over 10 years and keeps up to date with the latest technologies and treatments

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